ZP Result 2023 | जिल्हा परिषद भरती २०२३ निकाल अपडेट आले

ZP Result 2023 | जिल्हा परिषद भरती २०२३ निकाल अपडेट आले

ZP Result 2023 latest update

ZP Result 2023The Maharashtra Zilha Parishad results will be published soon because Zilha Parishad Jalgaon has announced a new notice for ZP Result 2023 for various posts. In this notice, Jalgaon ZP informs about the ZP result in 2023, stating that the results will be announced soon. When IBPS company provides us with the result data, we will instantly publish the result on the official website https://zpjalgaon.gov.in/. Based on this notice, the ZP result is tentatively expected to be published in January 2024, at any time.

Eligible candidates can regularly check our website, majinoukriguru.in, for more updates on the ZP Result 2023 for various posts. Additionally, we provide updates for the remaining ZP Bharti posts, such as Arogya Sevak, Gramsevak, Anganwadi Sevika, and Arogya Sevika exam timetables.

जिल्हा परिषद भरती निकाल २०२३

महाराष्ट्र जिल्हा परिषदेचा निकाल लवकरच प्रसिद्ध केला जाईल कारण जिल्हा परिषद जळगावने विविध पदांसाठी झेडपी निकाल २०२३ साठी नवीन सूचना जाहीर केली आहे. या नोटीसमध्ये जळगाव झेडपीने 2023 मधील झेडपीच्या निकालाची माहिती दिली असून, निकाल लवकरच जाहीर केला जाईल. जेव्हा IBPS कंपनी आम्हाला निकालाचा डेटा प्रदान करेल, तेव्हा आम्ही त्वरित निकाल अधिकृत वेबसाइट https://zpjalgaon.gov.in/ वर प्रकाशित करू. या सूचनेच्या आधारे, झेडपीचा निकाल तात्पुरता जानेवारी 2024 मध्ये, कधीही प्रकाशित होणे अपेक्षित आहे.

Maharashtra ZP Result 2023

Those who appeared for the ZP exam for various Group C posts will soon see the publication of their results. The Computer-Based Exam for Gramvikas Vibhag took place a few days ago, and the official announcement of results will be made shortly. Candidates can download their results from the official website, district-wise.

How to check zilha parishad bharti result 2023

To check the Zilha Parishad Bharti Result 2023 for various posts, follow the steps below. Visit the official ZP website where you submitted your application. Locate and click on the link corresponding to your applied post to download the PDF file. Once downloaded, review the PDF to check your marks and find your merit number.

Click here – download ZP Jalgaon Result Notice pdf file

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