क्रीडा व युवक सेवा संचालनालय पुणे भरती 2022

क्रीडा व युवक सेवा संचालनालय, महाराष्ट्र राज्य यांच्याकडून अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत. क्रीडा व युवक सेवा संचालनालय पुणे येथे करार तत्वावर प्रशिक्षक आणि क्रीडा विज्ञान कर्मचारी म्हणून व्यस्ततेसाठी पात्र उमेदवारा कडून खेलो इंडिया स्टेट सेंटर ऑफ एक्सलन्स, महाराष्ट्र, (KISCE) पुणे येथे भरती केली जात आहे सर्व माहिती पुढीलप्रमाणे.

Sports Authority of India Bharti 2022

Sports Authority of India Bharti 2022क्रीडा व युवक सेवा संचालनालय पुणे भरती 2022 Shiv chhatrapati Sports Complex, Mahalunge Balewadi, Pune – भारतीय क्रीडा प्राधिकरण अंतर्गत विवध पदांची भरती होत खालीलप्रमाणे आहे .

Sports Authority Vacancy Detials

  • Assistant Coach
  • Assistant Coach cum Technician
  • Sports Medicine Doctor
  • Nutritionist
  • Physiotherapist Grade II
  • Physiotherapist Grade I
  • Young Professional
  • Masseur
  • Nursing Assistant
  • Groundman

क्रीडा विभाग भरती पदांची नावे

  1. सहाय्यक प्रशिक्षक
  2. सहाय्यक प्रशिक्षक सह तंत्रज्ञ
  3. स्पोर्ट्स मेडिसिन डॉक्टर
  4. आहार तज्ञ्
  5. फिजिओथेरपिस्ट ग्रेड II
  6. फिजिओथेरपिस्ट ग्रेड I
  7. तरुण व्यावसायिक
  8. मालिश करणारा
  9. नर्सिंग असिस्टंट
  10. ग्राउंडमन

Education Qualification of Sport bharti

For detailed education and other details please refer PDF

Post NamesalaryEducation
Ground man 15000 10th pass
Nursing  Assistant 25,000Diploma in Nursing
Masseur 35,00012th with Masseur course
Assistant Coach40,000Diploma in Coaching from SAI
Assistant Coach cum Technician-Shooting25,000Please Refer PDF file
Sports Medicine Doctor1,00,000MD or Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Medicine
Nutritionist75,000M.Sc. (Nutrition)
Physiotherapist60,000Masters in Physiotherapy
Young Professional40,000Master’s degree
क्रीडा व युवक सेवा संचालनालय पुणे भरती 2022 Education Qualification

शैक्षणिक पात्रता क्रीडा व युवक सेवा संचालनालय पुणे भरती

पोस्टचे नावपगारशिक्षण
ग्राउंडमन 15000 दहावी पास
नर्सिंग असिस्टंट25,000डिप्लोमा इन नर्सिंग
मालिश करणारा 35,000मालिश कोर्ससह १२वी पास
सहाय्यक प्रशिक्षक40,000SAI कडून डिप्लोमा इन कोचिंग
सहाय्यक प्रशिक्षक सह तंत्रज्ञ-शूटिंग25,000कृपया PDF फाइल पहा
क्रीडा औषध डॉक्टर1,00,000स्पोर्ट्स मेडिसिनमध्ये एमडी किंवा पोस्ट ग्रॅज्युएट डिप्लोमा
न्यूट्रिशनिस्टM.Sc. (पोषण)
फिजिओथेरपिस्ट60,000फिजिओथेरपीमध्ये मास्टर्स
यंग प्रोफेशनल40,000 पदव्युत्तर पदवी
क्रीडा सेवा केंद्र पुणे भरती २०२२ शैक्षणिक पात्रता

क्रीडा व युवक सेवा संचालनालय पुणे येथे अर्ज कसा करायचा?

अर्ज कसा करावा: सर्व शैक्षणिक पात्रतेच्या स्वयं-साक्षांकित प्रतींसह आयुक्त, क्रीडा व युवक सेवा, शिवछत्रपती क्रीडा संकुल, महाळुंगे-बालेवाडी, पुणे ४११ ०४५ येथे पोस्टाद्वारे २४/०५/२०२२ रोजी सायंकाळी ५ वाजेपर्यंत.

जाहिरात येथे पहा

[su_button id=”download” url=”https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ClBpddTssmyHqVfXfzZyZSMY4x2jAczs/view?usp=drivesdk” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#d22519″ size=”9″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” icon=”icon: file-pdf-o”]जाहिरात येथे पहा[/su_button]


क्रीडा व युवक सेवा भरती बद्दल प्रश्न व उत्तरे

what is Job Responsibilities of Ground man ?

To Maintain Ground.
 Helper to the Head Coach/Assistant Coach/Technician at the time coaching.
 To Drop and pick up Equipment on the ground.
 To make arrangement of drinking water on the ground.
 Any other duties assigned by High Performance Director, Sports Science Head
and Commissioner DSYS.

what is Job Responsibilities of Masseur in sport authority of India  ?

Focus on sports massage, recovery and relaxation.
 Help clients with pain, stress and physical ailments by massaging and kneading
muscles and soft tissues, in order to relax the athletes’ muscles.
 Advise clients on relaxation techniques to help prevent muscle problems and
relieve stress.
 Study a client’s physical history and prepare and apply oils to the client’s skin in
order to improve the massage experience.
 Use of other electrical massaging techniques and recovery aid.
 Work on the field with the athletes
 Any other duties assigned by High Performance Director, Sports Science Head
and Commissioner, Sports & Youth Services, Maharashtra State.

what is Job Responsibilities of Nutritionist in sport authority of India  ?

 Evaluation of the nutritional status and dietary needs of athletes using established
department protocols / standards and generate individual reports.
 Developing sport specific monthly cyclic menu chart for athletes and standardize
all recipes provided in the menu.
 Making regular mess visits for menu compliance, taste, and right cooking
 Monitoring hygiene, sanitation and cleanliness of the kitchen, dining and allied
 Promoting healthy eating and lifestyle habits and develop personalized nutrition
plans and individualized counseling sessions.
 Organizing, develop, analyze, test, and prepare special meals in cases of sickness
or addressing nutritional deficiencies.
 Conducting group counseling by motivating athletes towards achieving
compliance and other suggested recommendations.
 Coordinating with sports science support team, Sports science head, Centre head
and other administrative staff.
 Undertake Any other duties assigned by High Performance Director, Sports
Science Head and Commissioner, Sports & Youth Services, Maharashtra State.

How to Apply: Sports Authority of India Bharti 2022 khelo India Pune bharti application ?

How to Apply: The candidate may apply in the prescribed format attached as Application duly signed along with self-attested copies of all educational qualification, experience and other testimonials as required to support the Canditure of the applicant must be sent to the Commissioner, Sports & Youth Services, Shivchhatrapati Sports Complex, Mahalunge – Balewadi, Pune 411 045 through post on or before 24/05/2022 till 5 P.M. Only short-listed candidates shall be called for the interview. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
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