जिल्हा परिषद भरती जाहिरात २०१९ मध्ये प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आली होती परंतु त्यातील फक्त आरोग्य विभाग मधील सध्या परीक्षा होत आहे ऑक्टोबर २०२२ पासून , बाकी पदांची अजून परीक्षा बद्दल माहिती आली नाही , आरोग्य विभाग जिल्हा परिषद मधील पाच संवर्ग मधील पदांची माहिती पुढील प्रमाणे आहे. zilha parishad bharti 2019 Nagpur , Maharashtra ZP Bharti 2021 is started as the government declared about this ZP Bharti. In this ZP Bharti, Recruitment of all departments of Zilla Parishad i.e Gram Vikas Vibhag, Arogya Vibhag, Gruh Vibhag, Krushi Vibhag, etc. Zilla Parishad Bharti is the most awaited recruitment for the aspirants of Maharashtra who willing to get a government job. Official notification about ZP Bharti is finally announced and you can get detailed information below.zilla parishad Nagpur recruitment.
zilla parishad Nagpur recruitment 2021 ,Nagpur zp www.Nagpur.nic.in 2022 ,zp Nagpur recruitment 2022 , mahapariksha zp recruitment 2019. Gram Vikas Vibhag Nagpur (ZP Nagpur) Recruitment 2019 ,Mahapariksha Nagpur Zilla Parishad Recruitment 2019,ZP Nagpur Recruitment 2021:गट क भरती ऑनलाईन अर्ज,ZP Nagpur CHO Bharti 2019 Result ,ZP Nagpur Bharti 2019 – Application Form,www.Nagpur.gov in,majhi naukri. zilla parishad Nagpur 2019 timetable , zp Nagpur 2022 exa
13521 पदांची zilha parishad bharti शिक्षण पात्रता
Junior Engineer (Civil) | Degree / Diploma in Civil Engineering |
Junior Engineer (Electrical) | Degree / Diploma in Electrical Engineering |
Junior Engineer (Mechanical) | Degree / Diploma in Mechanical Engineering |
Vistar Adhikari (Panchayat) | Degree |
Gram Sevak – Contractual | 12th Pass with 60% marks or Engineering Diploma or BWS or Agricultural Diploma |
Health Supervisor | B.Sc or Health Employee Course |
Pharmacist | B.Pharm / D.Pharm |
Laboratory Technician | B.Sc Graduation |
Arogya Sevak | 10th Pass |
Arogya Sevika | Assistant Supervisor and Maharashtra Nursing Council Registration |
Vistar Adhikari (Agriculture) | Agricultural Degree or equivalent |
Civil Engineering Assistant | 10th pass & Civil Engineering Assistant Course |
Live Stock Supervisor (Animal Husbandry) | Veterinary Degree or equivalent |
Senior Assistant (Account) | The degree of Commerce in the subject of Accounting and Audit with 03 years experience |
Anganwadi Paryavekshika (Nomination) | Sociology / Home Science / Education / Child Development / Nutrition Degree |
Senior Assistant (Ministerial) | Graduate |
Vistar Adhikari (Statistical) | The degree of science, agriculture, commerce with mathematics/statistics subjects |
Junior Account’s Officer | Graduate with 03 years experience |
Junior Mechanic | The course of Mechanical Engineering Department of Technical Education with 05 years experience |
आरोग्य विभाग मधील zilha parishad bharti ५ संवर्ग परीक्षा वेळापत्रक

आरोग्य सेवक , सेविका, औषधनिर्माता, Lab technician , आरोग्य पर्यवेक्षक अभ्यासक्रम ( zilha parishad bharti syllabus)