National health mission Recruitment 2021

राष्ट्रीय आरोग्य मिशन
राज्य आरोग्य संस्था मुंबई, महाराष्ट्र.
SHS खालील पद भरण्यासाठी पात्र उमेदवारांकडून अर्ज मागवते
(खाली नमूद केल्याप्रमाणे महाराष्ट्र राज्यात कराराच्या आधारावर.)
अर्ज प्राप्त करण्याची अंतिम तारीख 13 ऑगस्ट, 2021 आहे.

State Health Society Mumbai, Maharashtra.
SHS invites applications from eligible candidates for filling up the following posts
(On a contractual basis in Maharashtra State as indicated below.)
Last Date of receiving application is 13th August, 2021.

खालील पदांची भर्ती होत आहे

नंबरपदाचे नावपगारपात्रतासंख्या
Rs. 30,000/P.MM.SC Statistics
Open- 1

Rs. 30,000/P.M MBBS or Any Medical
Graduate with
MPH/MHA/ MBA in health
care Administration.
Open -4,
Total =6(+waiting)
Rs. 30,000/P.M
MBA (Finance) with related field
Total =2(+waiting)
City Quality Assurance
Coordinat or (CQAC)
Rs. 35,000/P.MMBBS /Any
Medical Graduate with
A in Health Care Administration.
14 Posts


  1. Number of posts and/or reservations may change.
  2. These posts are purely contractual and not State Government’s regular posts. Appointed candidate
    cannot claim for regularization on regular post.
  3. Remuneration is a consolidated pay.
  4. Preference will be given to those who are having work experience in NHM.
  5. Only short listed candidates will be eligible for further selection procedure. Commissioner, Health
    Services and Mission Director, National Health Mission, Mumbai reserve the right to adopt a suitable
    selection procedure.
  6. Selected candidate for the post of State MIS/M&E Manager will be posted at Mumbai only.
  7. Selected candidates for the post of Sr. No .2, 3 & 4 are liable to be posted in any corporation
    mentioned in the advertisement.
  8. The appointment of the selected candidate will be for the period of 11 months, which likely to be
    extended if performance is satisfactory, subject to continuation of project/ programme. If the project/
    programme is not extended; the contract will be terminated without any notice and candidate cannot
    claim any right on the post or posting or cannot file any litigation regarding employment protection.
  9. Age criteria will be relaxed by 5 years for those existing NHM employees, who have served at least
    three continuous contract period of 11 months each.
  10. All required qualifications must be of full time courses from a Government recognized university.
    Educational qualification from open universities won’t be considered.
  11. Candidate should possess required minimum educational qualification on the last date of the receipt
    of applications. Minimum & maximum age will be as on last date of receipt of applications.
  12. Experience acquired after passing minimum education qualification required for particular post will
    only be considered. An experience not relevant to the post will be ignored.
  13. The experience will be relaxed if sufficient candidates are not available.
  14. For MBBS /PG qualification candidates, service under NHM is considered as bonded service.
  15. The candidate is required to fill up and submit Small Family Declaration Form at the time of
    interview/appointment. In case it is found that the candidate is not fulfilling this norm, his candidature
    / appointment will be cancelled immediately.
  16. If a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post, he/she should apply separately for each post.
  17. Interested candidates fulfilling the above mentioned criteria, should submit their applications in the
    given format along with the attach self-attested copies of all the documents i.e certificates of
    educational qualification / experiences/ caste, School leaving certificate (Age) etc. to the office of
    Commissioner, Heath Services and Director, National Health Mission , Mumbai. 3rd floor ,Arogya
    Bhavan, St. George’s Hospital Compound, State Health Society, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Pin code -400
  18. If at all it is found that the candidate has submitted wrong information then his /her candidature
    will be cancelled automatically.
  19. The Appointment Authority i.e Commissioner, Health Services & Mission Director, National Health
    Mission, Mumbai, reserves all the right to modify, to add or to delete any of the condition and
    reserves the right to cancel the process of recruitment at any point of time. Candidates are advised to
    visit & for regular updates
    & keep their e-mail ID and mobile number active for future correspondence/ notice/ instruction.
  20. Last date of receipt of Application will be 13-08-2021 till 06:00pm. Application received after the last
    date will not be considered.
  21. For any queries Contact no : +91 22 2271 7500, +91 22 2271 7519.

जाहिरात येथे पहा

आरोग्य विभाग भरती सराव
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