CHO NHM vacancy in Bhandara Maharashtra

CHO Recruitment समुदाय आरोग्य अधिकारी भरती २०२२

CHO NHM vacancy in Bhandara    Maharashtra– NHM Maharashtra invites applications for 6 months Certificate Programme in Community Health from candidates who are willing & enthusiastic to serve the community. Candidates who successfully complete this Programme will be posted at Sub Centre’s Health & Wellness Centre’s (SC- HWC) as Community Health Officers on contract basis. Community Health Officers are expected to carry out public health functions, ambulatory care, management  and leadership at HWC. for CHO post and Certificate Programme application final date is 6.15 pm on 20/12/2022 by post/ by hand/ by courier. Candidate should apply for only one district. District wise vacancy matrix and all information like CHO salary, CHO selection process, CHO syllabus in Maharashtra, CHO education qualification all this information given in this post.

CHO NHM vacancy in Bhandara Maharashtra

CHO Bhandara Total Vacancy- भंडारा मधील समुदाय आरोग्य अधिकारी पदांची भरती संख्या

अधिकृत website येथे पहा
जाहिरात व अर्ज नमुना CHO PDF Download करा

NHM Bhandara Recruitment 2022- भंडारा जिल्हा समुदाय आरोग्य अधिकारी (CHO) भरती

समुदाय आरोग्य अधिकारी प्रशिक्षणार्थी निवड प्रवेश परिक्षा नियोजनाबाबत या अधिकृत website वर जाहिरात प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आली आहे त्याची सर्व माहिती पुढे दिली आहे. केंद्र शासनाच्या आयुष्मान भारत योजने अंतर्गत आरोग्यवर्धिनी कार्यक्रम हा एक महत्वाकांक्षी कार्यक्रम आहे. राज्यात आरोग्यवर्धिनी कार्यक्रमांतर्गत एकूण १०७३५ उपकेंद्र, १८७९ प्राथमिक आरोग्य केंद्र व ७०६ नागरी प्राथमिक आरोग्य केंद्रांचे आरोग्यवर्धिनी केंद्रांमध्ये रूपांतरीत करण्यात येत आहेत. उपकेंद्र स्तरावर जनतेला आरोग्य सेवा पुरविण्यासाठी समुदाय आरोग्य अधिकारी यांची नियुक्ती करणे आवश्यक आहे. त्यासाठी सविस्तर वेळापत्रक जाहीर झाले आहे , समुदाय आरोग्य अधिकारी प्रशिक्षणार्थी निवड प्रवेश परिक्षा दिनांक २२ जानेवारी २०२३ रविवार सकाळी ११.०० वाजता ते दुपारी १.०० वा. या कालावधीत संपन्न होईल. अर्ज ९ डिसेंबर २०२२ पासून ते १२ डिसेंबर २०२२ पर्यंत offline पोस्टाने अथवा स्वहस्ते सादर करू शकता .

CHO Recruitment 2023 timetable

Community health officer recruitment 2023 timetable. The 6 months Certificate Programme in Community Health will be conducted by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) in Maharashtra

CHO Education Qualification- समुदाय आरोग्य अधिकारी पात्रता

समुदाय आरोग्य अधिकारी या पदाची भरती आरोग्य विभाग अंतर्गत राष्ट्रीय आरोग्य अभियान द्वारे केली जाते. CHO या पदासाठी शैक्षणिक पात्रता खालील प्रमाणे विविध आहे.

  1. Bachelors in Ayurvedic Medicine (आयुर्वेदिक औषधामध्ये पदवीधर)
  2. Bachelors in Unani Medicine (युनानी मेडिसिन मध्ये बॅचलर)
  3. Bachelors in Nursing (नर्सिंग मध्ये बॅचलर)
  4. Registration Indian Medicine/Maharashtra Nursing council

cho salary in Maharashtra 

Maharashtra CHO salary in 2023 details are given in this post.

  • Trainee CHO will be paid a stipend of Rs. 10,000/- per month during the Certificate Programme (प्रशिक्षणार्थी समुदाय अधिकारी साठी 10,000/- प्रति महिना स्टायपेंड दिले जाईल. प्रमाणपत्र कार्यक्रमादरम्यान )
  • After appointment of CHO Salary is Rs.25,000/- per month consolidated + Rs.15000/-. Performance based incentive. Total CHO salary 40,000.
  • And Additional Incentives of Rs.15000/- (CHO working in hard to reach area of Tribal districts )

cho exam syllabus Maharashtra

Community health officer Maharashtra entrance exam and cho syllabus detailed given in below.

  • CHO entrance exam conducted by NHM Maharashtra exam details-

Entrance exam will be objective type with 50 questions, each question comprise of 2 marks. There will not be any negative marking system. The minimum passing marks is 40 marks.

  • CHO Syllabus

Question paper will be based on syllabus recommended by Government of India which includes Basic concepts of Public Health, Basics of Human Body, Child Health, Adolescent Health, Maternal Health, Family planning, Communicable Diseases, Noncommunicable Diseases, Nutrition & skill based questions.

CHO form date in Maharashtra 

Maharashtra cho recruitment under nhm 2022 application date is – 6.15 pm on 20/12/2022 by post/by hand/ by courier. Candidate should apply for only one district.

Age limit of CHO NHM bharti Bhandara  

open category will be 38 years and for reserved categories it will be 43 years. Age criteria will be relaxed by 5 years for existing National Health Mission employees.

Application fee for CHO offline application

The fees for application form is Rs. 350/- for reserved category and Rs.500/- for candidate in Open category. The fees has to be paid through Demand draft of Nationalised bank drawn in favour of respective Deputy Director of Health Services (DDHS)

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