Indian Air Force Recruitment 2021 | IAF Recruitment for 1525 posts

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2021 | IAF Recruitment for 1525 posts

Indian Air Force Group C Bharti

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2021 | IAF Recruitment for 1525 posts – This site gives information about the Indian Air Force and announces the requirements for the different posts on the site please follow the following information for more clarification about the new job update and information.

Interested and eligible candidates for Indian Air Force Recruitment 2021 to advice visit our website regularly for more updates on IAF Recruitment 2021 as well as Indian Air Force exam details, syllabus, and selection process all information about Indian Air Force Bharti is given below.

Indian Air Force Recruitment Details

Total Posts- 1525.

Post and Education Qualification-

SR NOPOST TitleQualification
2Steno12th pass with typing skills
3Clerk12th pass typing
4Tailor10th pass with ITI
5Fierman10th pass with ITI
6Tradesman10th pass with ITI
7Hindi typist12th pass with Hindi typing
8Store Keeper12th pass
9Cook10th pass with ITI
10Painter10th pass with ITI
11Carpenter10th pass with ITI
12Ayah/ Ward Boy10th pass
13Housekeeping staff10th pass
14Laundryman10th pass with ITI
15Mess Staff10th pass with ITI
16MTS10th pass
17Wireless Opt10th pass with ITI
18Turner10th pass with ITI
19worker10th pass with ITI

Age Limit– 18-25 Years.

Payment Monthly– 7th pay CPC and other Allowances.

Job Location – As per the Air Force station application

Application Fee– No.

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