शिवाजी विद्यापीठ कोल्हापूर भरती- Barr. Balasaheb Khardekar Knowledge Resource Center Shivaji University, Kolhapur (BBKKRC) WALK-IN-INTERVIEW is in need of Temporary’Trainee Library Assistant’ for automation, plagiarism check, institutional developmen trepository, management of RCIE, Library Routine Work & data entry work of library purely on temporary basis for a period of 11 months. The details of the post are as mentioned below :

Trainee Assistant to the Library/शिवाजी विद्यापीठ कोल्हापूर भरती
Qualification/पात्रता: Essential- Any Graduate with M. Lib. & Information Science Desirable- Fair Computer Knowledge (MS-CIT / Certificate / Diploma in Computer) आवश्यक- M. Lib असलेला कोणताही पदवीधर. आणि माहिती विज्ञान इष्ट- योग्य संगणक ज्ञान (MS-CIT / प्रमाणपत्र / संगणकातील डिप्लोमा) शिवाजी विद्यापीठ कोल्हापूर भरती
Age Limit
Upper limit ‘age’: the Category to the Open – 38 years, the Category Reserved – 43 years.
Period of contract: 11 Months only
Number ‘of Post: 20 (in the Temporary)
Nature of Work: Computerization (Automation), plagiarism check, Institutional Repository, Management of RCIE, and library work including data entry.
Nature of Payment: Salary- Rs. 400 / – Per Day (Consolidated)
VENUE AND the DATE OF INTERVIEW: BBK the Knowledge Resource Center,Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Time And Date –December 14, 2021 11.00 am onwards
Documents – along with their detailed Bio-data and attested documents of Degree / Diploma / Course Certificates (original and1 set Xerox).